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A few years ago, I retired from my position as head of Modern Languages, a bit fearful of the "R" word. But to date, it has been nothing but fun! Canadian law requires school-aged actors to study with a qualified teacher when they’re off-camera. Many of our young actors are in immersion French so I've found a happy little niche, teaching a few days a week as an on-set tutor and moving in inspiring and creative circles! Furthermore, I get to share resources here! Vive la retraite!




A few years ago, I retired from my position as head of Modern Languages, a bit fearful of the "R" word. But to date, it has been nothing but fun! Canadian law requires school-aged actors to study with a qualified teacher when they’re off-camera. Many of our young actors are in immersion French so I've found a happy little niche, teaching a few days a week as an on-set tutor and moving in inspiring and creative circles! Furthermore, I get to share resources here! Vive la retraite!
FRENCH: 2 Jeux de mots pour Noël

FRENCH: 2 Jeux de mots pour Noël

2 Jeux de mots pour Noël (EN COMMENÇANT PAR LA FIN et MOTS COUPÉS) EN COMMENÇANT PAR LA FIN The end of every word in this circular puzzle is also the beginning of a new word. The words embedded in the puzzle are: 1 renne (m.) 2 neige (f.) 3 générosité (f.) 4 terre (f.) 5 réveillon (m.) 6 Noël (m.) 7 lutin (m.) 8 invité (m.) 9 étoile (f.) 10 lettre (f.) 11 rêve (m.) 12 vert 13 traîneau (m.) 14 auberge (f.) 15 église (f.) 16 étable (f.) 17 emballage (m.) 18 geler 19 roi (m.) 20 imagination (f.) 21 naître MOTS COUPÉS In this virtual race, players have to reconstitute and recopy words that have been broken down into syllables and scattered over the game grid. The words in this puzzle are: vacances (f.pl.) sapin (m.) cadeau (m.) étoile (f.) église (f.) chaussette (f.) enfant (m.) lutin (m.) hiver (m.) traîneau (m.) jouet (m.) grelots (m.pl.) 13. gui (m.) SEE IF THESE ACTIVITIES ARE RIGHT FOR YOUR STUDENTS. TRY . . . a free English version of “En commençant par la fin” : https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/i-know-these-words-backwards-and-forwards-thanksgiving-11424790 a free English version of "Mots coupés: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/chop-chop-a-hallowe-en-word-puzzle-11407269
FRENCH: Exprime-toi (Noël)

FRENCH: Exprime-toi (Noël)

In this small-group activity, Fate (the dice) will determine which Christmas character or object your students will describe. A relaxed way to reinforce lessons on adjectives and to encourage speaking in full sentences in French (or any target language). If you’d like to extend the lesson to written work, just assign any dice co-ordinates (ie: •• x •••• or •••• x •) I’ve included a PDF and a Powerpoint version of this resource. To be sure that this kind of activity is right for your students, download the free Exprime-toi (Les vêtements) at : https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/exprime-toi-les-v-tements-6291778 Joyeux Noël!
Holy Homonyms, Batman!

Holy Homonyms, Batman!

The difference between homophones and homographs is (literally) illustrated in this homonym lesson camouflaged as a game. Students are asked to identify and write out the eighteen pairs of homonyms pictured in the puzzle: ad add ball bawl bare bear bat bat bowl bowl cents scents dough doe eight ate eye I flour flower knight night lynx links moose mousse pair pear piece peace pitcher pitcher sow sew waste waist Black and white and half-sized versions of the game board are included.
Peppa Siffle (Un jeu tarsia / A  triangle puzzle

Peppa Siffle (Un jeu tarsia / A triangle puzzle

The French episodes of Peppa the Pig are a rich and engaging resource for both FSL and immersion students. This puzzle complements the episode, PEPPA APPREND À SIFFLER. The objective is to match the sentence fragments printed on the edges of the triangles in order to reconstitute the picture of the pig and the 12 statements about the episode. Les épisodes français de Peppa sont une ressource précieuse pour les étudiants en français langue seconde et en immersion. Cette activité accompagne l’épisode “Peppa apprend à siffler”. L’objectif est de faire correspondre les fragments de phrases imprimées sur les bords des triangles afin de reconstituer l’image du cochon et les 12 énoncés concernant l’épisode. Le jeu encouragera vos étudiants à lire en contexte et à s’entraider pour trouver les solutions. L’activité peut également servir de matériel d’enrichissement pour les étudiants individuels. To be sure that this kind of activity is right for your students, download the free tarsia puzzle, LE FUTUR SIMPLE https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-6450469
LA SAINT-VALENTIN (jeu tarsia/ triangle puzzle)

LA SAINT-VALENTIN (jeu tarsia/ triangle puzzle)

Students have to match the sentence fragments and Q and As printed along the edges of the triangles in this puzzle. In so doing, they will reconstitute the following  25  statements on the themes of friendship and Valentine’s Day and “build” a heart Cette année je vais envoyer des cartes numériques. J’ai beaucoup de chance d’avoir un(e) ami(e) comme toi! Petit bandit! Tu as volé mon coeur. Prends-moi dans tes bras. = Fais-moi un calin. Je t’aime un peu . . . beaucoup … À LA FOLIE! un ours en peluche = image d’un ours en peluche S.t.p., ne joue pas avec mon coeur! le petit Cupidon = image d’un Cupidon Pourquoi la St-Valentin est-elle la fête préférée de M. Hershey et M. Cadbury? Il lui demande en mariage. [+ image] Papa offre des fleurs à Maman! Malheureusement, ce sont des dents-de-lion! Tu es comme une calculatrice; je peux toujours compter sur toi! Quelle fleur symbolise l’amour? La rose rouge. Que vas-tu faire pour Maman le 14 fevrier? Le petit déjeuner au lit! Tu es mon ami(e) parce que tu es très sympa. Ce bonbon est un coeur de conversation. [+ image] Ma recette pour un dîner romantique? image d’une boîte de dîner Kraft. Voici l’acrostiche d’un mot important: Aimable, Magnifique, Imaginatif Un admirateur secret t’achète une boîte de chocolat! Un synonyme de copain / copine est ami / amie. Je t’aime gros comme ça! [+ image] C’est toi et moi pour toujours! “x,x,x” a la fin d’ une lettre = bisou, bisou, bisou Mon meilleur ami / Ma meilleure amie? C’est toi, bien sûr! Chaque [image d’un chat + k] seconde passé avec toi est un moment de bonheur! LA SAINT-VALENTIN (JEU TARSIA/TRIANGLE PUZZLE) est une activité coopérative. Elle encouragera vos étudiants à se focaliser et à s’entraider pour trouver les solutions ci-dessus. To be sure that this activity is right for your students, please download the free “futur simple” triangle puzzle at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-6450469 Si vous cherchez un puzzle tarsia un peu plus difficile pour vos étudiants plus avancés, je vous propose COUP DE COEUR: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12965687


VALENTINE’S DAY (A TRIANGLE PUZZLE) focuses on friendship and fun rather than romance. It asks students to match the sentence fragments and Q and As printed along the edges of the triangles. In so doing, they will reconstitute  25 statements about friendship and Valentine’s Day and “build” a heart. Here are five of the reconstituted solutions: • You’re like a calculator; I can always count on you. • Yo, magnet! That paperclip thinks you’re really attractive. • I am so lucky to be your friend! • There’s nothing better than a friend unless it’s a friend with chocolate. • Friend, you mean the world to me. To be sure that this kind of activity is right for your students, downloadi the free “Christmas Singalong TRIANGLE puzzle” here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12764890 In the unlikely event that you have any cheeky children in your class, double-cutting your triangles will outmanoeuvre any player who might prefer matching paper edges to matching ideas!
Let's get to the bottom (or top) of LES VERBES DR. & MRS. VAN DER TRAMP /verbs conjugated with ÊTRE

Let's get to the bottom (or top) of LES VERBES DR. & MRS. VAN DER TRAMP /verbs conjugated with ÊTRE

This is a competitive, repetitive game that will help your students to listen “actively” and to familiarise themselves with a tricky grammar point through the process of osmosis. Tobe sure that this activity is right for your class, try the free resource, Let’s get to the bottom (or top) of LES EXPRESSIONS AVOIR: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/let-s-get-to-the-bottom-of-les-expressions-avoir-6451763 HERE ARE THREE SAMPLE SENTENCES FROM LGTTB(OT)OLVD&MV • Ma grand-mère est allée chez un tatoueur / pierceur. Je me demande si elle va rentrer avec un tatouage ou un piercing . . . • Harry, Ron et Hermione sont montés dans l’express à destination de l’école Poudlard (Hogwarts). • Le train est parti le premier septembre de la voie 93⁄4 à la gare de King’s Cross.
C'est Touchant! (un jeu comme Boggle)  pour L'Automne, L'Action de Grâce, L'Halloween et L'Hiver

C'est Touchant! (un jeu comme Boggle) pour L'Automne, L'Action de Grâce, L'Halloween et L'Hiver

Embedded in each of the 4 puzzle grids in this bundle are several French words on the themes of L'Action de Grâce, L'Automne, L'Hiver and L’Halloween as well as many more general vocabulary words. The bundle includes • Full-colour copies and BW copies of each puzzle • a thematic vocabulary for each theme • answer keys • a “how to play” guide Try the free TES activity,'Joyeux Noël ('C'est touchant' is like Boggle.)' to see if this activity is for you: https://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Joyeux-No-and-235-l-and-quot-C-and-39-est-touchant-and-quot-is-like-Boggle-6150658/
Qui, que et qu'   (les pronoms relatifs )

Qui, que et qu' (les pronoms relatifs )

This 11-page tutorial walks students through the differences between the interrogative and the relative pronouns, qui and que /qu'. It also explains the difference between the subject and object pronoun. However, there's also a simple little visual for those students who have not yet studied or mastered that grammatical point in English. The relatively simple gap fill exercise is followed by a more challenging mini-tutorial on combining two sentences using these pronouns and a page of questions.
Triangle puzzle: Vouloir, Pouvoir et Devoir

Triangle puzzle: Vouloir, Pouvoir et Devoir

This triangle puzzle focusses on the present tense of the irregular verbs, vouloir, pouvoir and devoir. To solve the puzzle co-operatively, students will have to match snippets of text to form sentences like, "Pour jouer à Minecraft, on doit utiliser son imagination" and "Pour voir mes photos, vous pouvez me suivre (folow) sur Instagram". To make sure this activity is right for your students, test drive another triangle puzzle, the free "futur simple" puzzle: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/le-futur-simple-a-triangle-puzzle-6450469
Dr. & Mrs. van der Tramp (les verbes conjugués avec être): a mini-unit

Dr. & Mrs. van der Tramp (les verbes conjugués avec être): a mini-unit

This file includes • my Dr. & Mrs. van der Tramp poster • alternate Dr. & Mrs. van der Tramp mnemonics • a mini-lesson on verbs conjugated with être and their agreement with their subjects • Dr. & Mrs. van der Tramp exercises • The Transformers: a mini-lesson on “special snowflake” van der Tramp verbs and when they revert to the AVOIR auxiliary.
 Let's get to the bottom (or top) of LES EXPRESSIONS IDIOMATIQUES

Let's get to the bottom (or top) of LES EXPRESSIONS IDIOMATIQUES

'Let's get to the bottom (or top) of LES EXPRESSIONS IDIOMATIQUES' is a competitive, repetitive game that will help your students master 20 idioms through the process of osmosis. The game defines 'active listening skills' and tends to generate very enthusiastic participation! See if this game suits your purposes by trying the free resource, of LES EXPRESSIONS AVOIR' http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Les-expressions-avoir-a-review-game-6312195/ The file comprises the following idioms: appeler un chat un chat, avoir le bras long, avoir la langue bien pendue, avoir une peur bleue de quelque chose, brûler un feu rouge, c’est la barbe!, c’est le pied!, c’est une autre paire de manches, connaître les ficelles (du métier) , coûter les yeux de la tête, le dernier cri, les doigts dans le nez, dormir sur les deux oreilles, être mauvaise langue, faire la courte échelle à quelqu’un, faire le pont, faire la une, passer une nuit blanche, pour une bouchée de pain, se perdre de vue.
The Christmas edition of  YOU DON'T SAY!  (This game is a bit like Taboo®)

The Christmas edition of YOU DON'T SAY! (This game is a bit like Taboo®)

Are you a fan of Taboo®? Then YOU DON’T SAY! is the game for you. And it can be played in two different ways. If your students are confident and articulate, have them play YOU DON’T SAY! like traditional Taboo®. If, however, you have students who are uncomfortable speaking in public, turn the rules upside down. Tell them to use some or all of the words beneath the green and red banner in their descriptions! This topsy-turvy approach encourages and empowers everyone to participate. You won’t believe what a positive game-changer it is. This package includes 36 Christmas-themed cards and a template for students to make their own YOU DON’T SAY! deck. Merry Christmas!
Les expressions avoir: une affiche (8.5 x 14)

Les expressions avoir: une affiche (8.5 x 14)

The 15 avoir; expressions illustrated are; to be thirsty - avoir soif to be hungry - avoir faim to be cold - avoir froid to be hot - avoir chaud to be wrong - avoir tort to be right - avoir raison to be sick - avoir mal to be x years old - avoir x ans to need - avoir besoin de to be ashamed - avoir honte to be sleepy - avoir sommeil to be afraid - avoir peur to be slap happy - avoir le fou rire to be lucky - avoir de la chance to feel like, to want - avoir envie de The free activity, Let’s get to the bottom of LES EXPRESSIONS AVOIR, should solidify the concept in an entertaining way: http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Les-expressions-avoir-a-review-game-6312195/
LE MIEN,  LA MIENNE,  LES MIENS,  LES MIENNES  (Ceci n’est pas une leçon de grammaire.)

LE MIEN, LA MIENNE, LES MIENS, LES MIENNES (Ceci n’est pas une leçon de grammaire.)

As you can see from the illustrations for the cards, “prof de français” and “cheveux”, the ostensible goal of this game is to guess the mystery word(s) given the fewest number of clues possible. In point of fact, however, it is to motivate students to talk about their immediate environment in the target language. The focus of the deck is the world of school but there are just enough cards on more general topics to keep things interesting. EXTENDING THE LESSON There are 120 cards in this deck. To extend the lesson and to create a new deck, distribute two or three blank cards to each of your students and challenge them to write in their own “mots devinettes”. NOTES 1 Although I designed these cards on a printable business card template - 10 per sheet - you can also run them on card stock and cut them along the guidelines. 2 Tailor the deck for use by younger or less advanced students by culling the more abstract concepts like “avenir” and “style”. 3 I’ve offered a handful of expressions in both European and Canadian French. The Canadian French vocabulary is marked with a small maple leaf.
¡Busquemos el tesoro escondido! SER y ESTAR (revised)

¡Busquemos el tesoro escondido! SER y ESTAR (revised)

Thanks to Diana Martínez, a brilliant young colleague from Mexico, here is a ¡Busquemos el tesoro escondido! game that concentrates on SER and ESTAR. This resource works both as a teacher-directed activity and as a small group game. Even reluctant learners will be motivated to listen carefully and the promise of “treasure” generates enthusiastic oral participation as well. After the oral treasure hunt, assign a handful of co-ordinates for instant written conjugation practice. The answer keys are in the present and past tenses but the game can be played in virtually every verb tense. Please note that we have opted to use Mexican Spanish wherever possible. T To see if this activity is right for your students, download its freesister resource, ¡Busquemos el tesoro escondido! (AR-ending verbs) https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-busquemos-el-tesoro-escondido-ar-ending-verbs-2-0-11522811
How Touching! Word games like Boggle for Hallowe'en, Thanksgiving, Hannukah and Christmas.

How Touching! Word games like Boggle for Hallowe'en, Thanksgiving, Hannukah and Christmas.

It includes thematic puzzles for Hallowe’en, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Hannukah and • full colour copies and B &W copies of each puzzle • a thematic vocabulary for each theme • answer keys • a “how to play” guide Try the free TES activity, “Hippity Hoppity, Easter’s on its Way” to see if this activity is for you: https://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Hippity-Hoppity-Easter-and-39-s-on-its-way-boggle-6194577/
Les verbes conjugués avec être (a triangle puzzle)

Les verbes conjugués avec être (a triangle puzzle)

This triangle puzzle can be used as a co-operative activity or as an enrichment puzzle for individuals. Students have to match the edges of the triangles that ask and answer questions or begin and finish sentences . If possible, laminate the puzzle sheets. Then cut up one puzzle for every two or three students. Put the 12 triangles into an envelope. Et à vos jeux. Is this grammar activity for you? See for yourself by trying the free resource, Le futur simple (a triangle puzzle): http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Le-future-simple-a-triangle-puzzle-6450469/
Triangle puzzle: Les verbes conjugués avec être ( ou les verbes DR. & MRS. VAN DER TRAMP)

Triangle puzzle: Les verbes conjugués avec être ( ou les verbes DR. & MRS. VAN DER TRAMP)

This triangle puzzle requires students to work in the past tense with verbs conjugated with ÊTRE (or the DR. and MRS. VAN DER TRAMP verbs). To solve the puzzle co-operatively, they will have to match the snippets of text to form sentences like, "J'ai quitté FB le jour où mes parents en sont devenus membres!" If you are not sure if this activity is right for your students, have a look at another triangle puzzle, the free futur simple activity: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/le-futur-simple-a-triangle-puzzle-6450469
Triangle puzzle:  Le Petit Prince ( JUNIOR version)

Triangle puzzle: Le Petit Prince ( JUNIOR version)

"A triangle puzzle: Le Petit Prince (JUNIOR version)" is a co-operative activity. Students are asked to match the text on the edges of the 11 triangles to answer and complete the following Q & A and quotes from Le Petit Prince. Quelle est la profession du narrateur du Petit Prince? • Il est pilote. Quand on veut faire de l’esprit . . . • il arrive que l’on mente un peu. Selon le renard, pour voir l’essentiel . . . • il faut regarder avec le coeur. J'en ai fait mon ami, et il est maintenant . . . • unique au monde. Mon dessin numéro 1 était comme ça. • (dessin d’un chapeau) On est responsable de . . . • ce qu’on apprivoise. Si tu m’apprivoises . . . • nous aurons besoin l’un de l’autre. Qui aide le Petit Prince à regagner sa planète? • Le serpent. Un astronome turc avait fait une grande démonstration . . . • Mais personne ne l'avait cru à cause de son costume. Dessine-moi . . . • un mouton. Comment le Petit Prince a-t-il quitté sa planète? • Grâce à une migration d'oies sauvages. Try the free future simple triangle puzzle to determine if this kind of activity is right for your students: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/le-futur-simple-a-triangle-puzzle-6450469